Dimensions 0.7 x 2.4 x 2(h) m
Materials: granite
This work is based on the legend about Io, a daughter of an Argive king, a priestess of the goddess Hera, who fell in love with Zeus. To hide this from his wife, Zeus turned his beloved into a white cow. But when Hera found this out, she created a ferocious gadfly, which chased Io everywhere. But Io crossed the Bosporus from Europe to Asia and managed to escape.
The sculptor visited Istanbul and the Bosporus, and was impressed and delighted by the beauty of this area, nature, architecture. He breathed in the sea air saturated with ancient myths and legends and felt this legend, felt the desire of Io to live, and expressed his feelings and emotions in the sculptural composition.
The sculptural work shows the white cow crossing the strait.